The next edition of the Clean Air Program will be launched in 2023, which includes subsidies
for thermal modernization works of buildings. Its purpose is to increase energy efficiency of buildings as well as reducing the amount of pollution ending up in the air. We can achieve this by reducing heat loss in homes and reducing the demand for energy needed to heat them.
Replacing windows, external doors and garage doors with energy-saving ones is one of the stages of thermal modernization for which we can receive funding.
If we want to benefit from the subsidy, our windows should have an appropriate heat transfer coefficient Uw of no more than 0.9. Monolit's offer includes products that meet these requirements:
By ordering this joinery, you can be sure that you will reduce your heating expenses and, in addition, you will be able to benefit from subsidies for replacing windows, doors and garage doors.
wartość współczynnika przenikania ciepła U nie może przekroczyć 0,9 W(m2K)
wartość współczynnika przenikania ciepła U nie może przekroczyć 1,3 W(m2K)
o maksymalnym przenikaniu ciepła 1,3 W(m2K)
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